Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Assignment A #4

Argument Statement
School, and specifically teachers, play a pivotal role in shaping student's ideology of relationships and what we consider to be accepted as normal. 

Talking Point #1
"Classrooms lay the foundation for an inclusive and safe society; a just community where common interests and individual differences coexist."  A teacher that is able to accomplish this is a teacher we should look at and call successful; not a teacher that makes benchmarks but neglects to educate students about accepting and empowering differences others may have from them. 

Talking Point #2
People in power will go to very far lengths to ensure heterosexism.  This was seen when the Secretary of Education influenced funding being pulled from CBS.  When things go against their norms, they make them out as bad so that it creates a division. 

Talking Point #3
In reading through the GLSEN website, I was devastated to find out this organization was created just in Massachusetts and over 25 years ago!  Why is this not promoted as a resource in our school and utilized for teacher PD's?  This is the type of resource or students need to be exposed to in order to become whole, compassionate human beings. 

1 comment:

  1. Want to hear you say more, Jackson. As Johnson reminds us, Say the Words. I don't even see a mention of LGBTQ issue in your argument statement and the whole book is about LGBT issues. In class, I would love to see your work toward specifics to enhance the broad strokes here.
